Avacados in Pakistan - Benefits, Types and availability

in Grocery

Avacados in Pakistan - Benefits, Types and availability


Syed Ali Naqvi

time published 27 Jan 20

Avacado, a fruit that is very beneficial for making your body fit and happy. If you are looking for a fruit that is beneficial for your health and for your body as well. In today's era, everybody is running behind the fitness goal. Avacado can be helpful for such a purpose.

  • What is the scientific name of Avacado: This fruit is basically grown on an avocado tree, and this unique fruit's scientific name is Persea Americana. You may find its scientific name kind of weird, but taste-wise, it's incredible indeed. It is sort of a large berry having a large seed inside it.
  • What is the origin of this unique fruit: The origin of Avacado is south-central Mexico. This fruit is basically a member of a flowering plant family named Lauraceae. This fruit is also known as alligator pear.

Avacado: Being the Beneficial Fruit for your Health

As mentioned above, Avocado is way healthy for your body and makes you fit. This is because most of the famous fruits are abundant with carbohydrates, but this unique fruit has got a lot of healthy fats. Now let's jump into the details of the benefits of Avocado on your health.

Better than Banana

Scientifically, it is proven that avocados have got more potassium than bananas. In this world, many people are not getting enough potassium and potassium is essential for making your body fit. One hundred grams of it contains almost 14 percent of potassium, and 100 grams of banana contains only 10 percent of banana.

Heart-healthy fatty acids

Comparatively, Avocado is a fruit with a high amount of healthy fatty acid.  Almost 77 percent of the calories of this fruit consist of fat. This fruit is considered to be the fattiest fruit on earth, but this fruit has also got oleic acid that is beneficial for health.

Lowering down the level of cholesterol

A high level of cholesterol can be very unhealthy for your heart and can cause heart disease as well. But eating avocados can reduce your cholesterol level. It also lowers blood triglycerides by 20 percent. It also helps in increasing good cholesterol HDL by 11 percent.

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Eating Avacado can protect your eyes

If you eat avocados, it can protect your eyes. This is because avocados are comparatively high in antioxidants. Avocados have got lutein. Moreover, it has zeaxanthin. These nutrients are suitable for the health of your eyes. It can also help in lowering down cataracts and degeneration.

Eat avocados and stay safe from cancer

Yes, you have heard it right, avocados can help in the prevention of cancer. Some studies have proven that eating avocados can help in preventing prostate cancer, and it can also lower down some sort of side effects of chemotherapy. The studies that have shown this are test tube-based studies.

Avacados Price in Pakistan

Can help in reducing depression

 If you eat almost a cup of sliced Avocado, it will give you about 120 micrograms of folate, which is quite enough for an adult to take over depression. Yes, eating quite enough number of avocados can help in reducing depression, and this is scientifically proven.

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Avocados Strengthen Bones

It has got all the major nutritions that are required for making bones stronger. Yes, you won't believe, but it has been proven that eating avocados can make your bones stronger as well.

Smooth skin

Avocados are very healthy as one can eat it or can use it for the skin. It is very beneficial for skin as it carries antioxidants, which is the same as vitamin C. it can help in looking at your wrinkles, smooth and more beautiful than ever.  Avocados also protect your skin from UV (ultraviolet)  rays, which are very harmful to your skin, and these rays can burn your skin.

Healthy avacados on Pakistan

Apart from all these benefits, there some more benefits to eating or consuming avocados. You can give to children at an early age, and make sure that you give them this unique fruit regularly. Make different sort of recipes with avocados, serve it to your children, they will love it.

Is Avocado Good for the purpose of weight loss?

Avocados can help in reducing weight. In a study, it was proven that eating Avocado by with your regular meal can make you feel like you have eaten 23 percent more, and it will also reduce your desire to eat up to 23 percent. After eating this fruit, you will feel less hungry.

Is Avocado only a yummy fruit or not?

Yes, apart from Avocado's beneficial facts about health and fitness, this fruit is also useful in taste as well. But not this fruit is not that tasty, as its taste is kinda muted. Most of the avocados have got buttery sort of flavor, and some avocados have nutty taste inside them.

Avocados and their types

There is a wide range of avocados. They are being categorized into two different groups. These groups are A-type cultivators and B-type cultivators. Let's discuss them below.

Types of Avacados in Pakistan

Lula:  This type of Avocado is mostly available in the summer season, and comparatively, it has less amount of natural oils and has got more water in it.

Reed: Reed is another type of Avocado, that is also available in the only the summer season. Taste-wise, it has got lighter taste compared to other avocados, and its size and shape are like a small ball with a soft texture.

Hass: This type of Avocado is the most popular one. The unique thing about this Avocado is that it is available in all seasons. Its skin is easy to remove and has got a dark green color.

Maluma: It was discovered in the decade of the 1990s in some places in South Africa. It is a slow-growing type of Avocado, but its tree bears a lot of fruit at a single time.

There are more types in the A-cultivator category, but these were the most famous. Now let's jump into the B-Cultivator group.

Ettinger: This type of Avocado grows in the fields of Israel mostly, and its color is pure green.  It has got a large seed inside it, and its taste is milder in flavor.

Cleopatra: Another type of Avocado, that is very small in size, and it is very new in the market. You won't be able to find these sorts of avocados because these are very rare.

Monroe: Monroe Avacados are big in size if we compare it with other types of avocados. It's has got less water in it, and its weight can be up 900 grams to 1 kg, which is true, massive in size.

Brogden: This Avacado is a hybrid avocado that is made from Mexican and West Indian avocados. Its color is dark purple. This skin of Brogden Avacado is pretty hard to peel off, so that is why it is not commercially famous.

So, the varieties that are being discussed above were the most famous varieties of avocados in the world. There are a lot more types of avocados, but those are not very famous.

Are avocados available in Pakistan?

Avocados are not very common in Pakistan. You won't be able to find any type of Avocado in the local market because these are kind of expensive fruit because it is grown and imported from abroad. But you can find them in superstores and supermarkets as well.

Availability of Avacados in Pakistan

Price of avocados

As mentioned above, avocados are very rare in Pakistan. They are less common because they are not grown in Pakistan, and most of the avocados that are available in Pakistan are imported from South Africa and other states where they are grown. So, the price of avocados in Pakistan will be quite high as compared to other fruits.

Healthy lifestyle and avocados

This fruit is unique, almost all fruits contain carbohydrates, but it is healthy in fats. This fruit has the most potent health benefits.

Some most famous recipes of avocados: You can eat avocados in many different ways. You can eat it by making a salad. You can also eat it by sprinkling spices on top of it. In other countries, some people consume Avocado with having soup. Some dishes can be made from Avocado. You can make a sandwich of Avocado. You can also make egg white chulapa. You can also make its cream as well.

Avocado is Incredibly Nutritious

As if we talk about Pakistan, we won't be able to see people having natural died. Nutritious food is not in our diets. Whatever you eat, it won't have natural nutrition. Avocados are nutritious fruit. Even if people consume it once a day, they will have enough nutrition for the betterment of their fitness, and it will also be enough to attain their fitness goal.

Contains more potassium 

As mentioned above, Avocado contains more potassium than banana contains. Potassium is an essential mineral for people, but many people don't get it. Avocado is high minerals (potassium) fruit, which helps in reducing blood pressure, which is the main reason kidney failure, strokes, and heart attack.

Avocado loaded with Fiber

Avocado is also rich in nutrients, which is fiber. It helps in reducing blood sugar, weight loss and helps in lower many diseases. Distinction is made between insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. Fiber has many essential benefits for metabolic health and weight loss.

Eating Avocado can make better blood flow

Most people in the world die because of heart disease. This blood makes such as triglycerides, inflammatory markers, cholesterol, blood pressure, and various linked together and increases the risk. Avocado helps in decreasing the risk. It can help as:

  • It reduces blood triglycerides by up to 20 percent.
  • It reduces the total cholesterol levels significantly.
  • It Increases the HDL (the "good") cholesterol up to 11 percent.
  • It Lowers LDL cholesterol by up to 22 percent.

Avacados in Pakistan as a gift

Healthier people, a better world

It has been seen that people who eat Avocado more frequently are like to be more fit as compared to the who do not eat it. Eating it might improve your metabolism as it has got that much nutrition, and nowadays, there is always an issue with metabolism because we do not eat natural things these days.

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  • Avocados are not just solid; they're additionally unimaginably scrumptious and go with numerous kinds of nourishment.
  • You can add them to plates of mixed greens and different plans or essentially scoop them out with a spoon and eat them plain. They have a smooth, rich, greasy surface and mix well with different fixings.
  • A prominent notice is a guacamole, which is apparently the most well-known utilization of avocados. It incorporates Avocado alongside fixings like salt, garlic, lime, and a couple of others relying upon the formula.
  • An avocado regularly sets aside some effort to mature and should feel marginally delicate when ready. The supplements in Avocado can oxidize and turn dark-colored not long after subsequent to fleshing it, however, including lemon juice should hinder this procedure.


  • Health benefits of avocados: There are many health benefits of avocados, as mentioned in the article. It's very effective to reduce weight, to protect your eyes and heart. It also helps in lowering down your cholesterol level, so it protects your heart as well. Avocados are excellent food, loaded with nutrients, many of which are lacking in the modern diet. They're weight loss friendly, heart-healthy and, last but not least, taste incredible.
  • Taste of Avocado: Taste of Avocado is very mild and muted. Some times its flavor is buttery, and sometimes its taste is nutty. It all depends on what type of Avocado you are eating.
  • The most popular type of Avocado: Avocados has got a wide range of varieties. The most famous Avocado is Hass because it is available in all seasons, and it is the most famous type of Avocado that is available in the commercial market.