Black Salt Powder (Kala Namak) Price in Pakistan

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The best price of Black Salt Powder (Kala Namak) in Pakistan is Rs.50 and the lowest price found is Rs.20. The prices of Black Salt Powder (Kala Namak) is collected from the most trusted online stores in Pakistan such as, and . The collected prices were updated on May 10, 2020, 9:06 p.m.

  • Showing 2 results from 2 online stores
  • ratingDelivering
    Black Salt (Kala Namak) - 400gm

    Rs. 80

    rating 3-4 days

    Black Salt (Kala Namak) - 400gm

  • ratingDelivering
    Black Salt or Kala Namak 50 G


    Rs. 20

    rating 3-7 days

    Black Salt or Kala Namak 50 G

  • Black Salt Powder (Kala Namak) Price List - January 2022

    Product Name Store Price
    Salt Kala Namak 400gm Rs. 80
    Salt Or Kala Namak 50 G Rs. 20

    Black Salt Powder (Kala Namak) Overview

    The black salt powder is a salt that is usually used for the fruits such as oranges, guava, watermelon and many more vegetables. Black salt powder sprinkles on the fruits to enhance the taste.

    People not only use the black salt powder as sprinkle salt for vegetables and fruits the black salt powder is used in some digestion medicines. The black salt powder really improves your digestion system when you take it with fruits and vegetables.

    The black salt powder is also called sulemani namak, Kala namak, this black salt gets from the Himalayas mountain it’s abundantly used in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh.

    Colour of black salt

    From its name, everyone imagines its colour in black, but the actual colour of this salt after crushing it is a pinkish white tone black salt powder, there are some black particles in the crushed black salt powder it can easily be seen.

    The raw black salt stone is in the black stone purplish-black stone after crushing it comes in to powder its colour becomes in pink colour.

    Types of black salt

    •  Himalayan black salt
    •  Black lava salt
    •  Black ritual salt

    The Himalaya black salt is the type of black salt that we used in the food, but the other two types of black salt are not used in the food.

    Regular salt vs black salt

    The regular salt and the black salt have a huge distinction in taste, colour, and salt elements or smell.

    The regular salt is used usually in the regular food items which we make in routines such as curry, rice, pulses, and all other food items.

    The regular white salt is easily soluble in the foods items and has no smell while you put in the food, the taste of the white salt is properly different from the black salt powder, the taste of regular salt is perfect in regular food items.

    The white salt has contained a large amount of sodium element that is not good for health, e.g. it is dangerous for the kidneys patients, heart patients, and blood pressure patients.

    The black salt powder is a different taste from the white salt it can’t be used in the regular food because of its smell rotten eggs and milk and bitter taste that why people don’t like it in routine foods. If we ignore the smell and taste of black salt powder, it has more advantages than the white salt.


    • The black salt powder is best for your digestion problems which are due to the overeating, constipation, allergies.
    • Black salt powder best for the persons who do hard exercise face the problem of cramps or spasm in the body so that why black salt reduce in the body.
    • The black salt powder also works as detoxifying water; you don’t need to make a recipe of detox water, just add a teaspoon of black saltwater in warm glass water drink in the morning with an empty stomach.
    • The black salt powder has low sodium than the white salt.
    • It can be used in different food recipes such as in chutneys, fruit chart, curd items.
    • You can add in juices which give you a refreshing feeling.
    • Cheap salt


    • Bad smell and bitter taste while using it.

    Is black salt powder available on online stores?

    Now everything you can get from online stores, even the black salt powder. The black salt powder is easily available on the online stores in your favourite spices brands.


    The black salt powder has various advantages which should be used by anyone; it reduces the acidity because of the elements which are present in salt. It is a snack salt and used in many juices that refresh your mind and internal digestive system.

    It is a natural salt which provides benefits, but this salt has one thing which bothered everyone the smell of black salt powder if we ignore the thing otherwise it works as a medicine

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