Solar Inverters in Pakistan - Off Grid, On Grid & Hybrid

in Electronics

Solar Inverters in Pakistan - Off Grid, On Grid & Hybrid


Syed Ali Naqvi

time published 22 Jan 20

Pakistan geographically covers the area that enjoys the rich irradiation and can be listed amongst the countries that have high potential to generate electricity using the sunlight.

Solar inverter is like a brain to the body of the solar setup. In very simple words, the main job of the inverter is to convert the DC energy generated by the solar panels to AC energy. In Pakistan, there are a variety of solar inverters available. The type of solar inverter depends on the type of solar setup you want to install.

What kind of inverter will suit you?

 The main different types of inverters are:

  • Off-Grid Inverter/Islanding Inverter.
  • On Grid Inverter/Anti Islanding Inverter.
  • Hybrid Inverter.

Off Grid Solar Inverters in Pakistan

Off-Grid Inverter/Islanding inverter.

Off-grid inverter is connected to the solar panels and can be connected to your grid as an energy source and supplies the energy to the load attached to it and it is also attached with the solar batteries that can be either Lithium Ion or Lead Acid for power backup.

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This inverter supplies power to the connected load intelligently. Solars are set to the highest priority if they are producing sufficient energy they are used as the source. Otherwise, the inverter transfers to the grid as its source and then the power from the grid is supplied to the connected load.

Furthermore, when neither grid nor solar is capable to supply the energy the batteries are available that can provide power backup till the grid or solars start to give the energy again that also charges the batteries.

On-Grid Solar Inverters in Pakistan

On-Grid Inverter/Anti islanding 

This inverter lets you sell the excess energy generated by the solar back to the grid when the load connected to the solar is not consuming all its energy. Simple on-grid inverters work only when the grid is supplying energy. In case when the grid is powered off the inverter will not work even if the solars are capable of producing the energy.Hybrid Solar Inverters in Pakistan

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Hybrid Inverters

Hybrid inverters are costly. It is a combined version of on-grid and off-grid inverters. Through hybrid inverters, you can sell back the excess energy to the grid but with that, your inverter will not be only dependent on the grid to work. In case, the grid is powered off the and solar is capable of generating energy the inverter will supply it to the connected load and batteries can also be attached for power backup.



  • The choice of the type entirely depends on you! How much you are generating energy through solar and how are you planning to use it. In Pakistan using electricity is costly, especially in summer when air conditioners are being frequently used. People are facing serious difficulties in paying the bills. Solar brings you the solution in a variety of ways. 
  • The off-grid inverter you can have an independent load running on it in the day time and the load is connected back to the grid when it gets dark which means that you can enjoy free electricity during the day and hence cutting down your bill. This is the simplest solar solution and people are opting for it and enjoying the benefits. It is only a one-time investment and you get relief from your monthly bills.
  • The second option is of installing On-Grid/Anti Islanding Inverter. This technology is more expensive than the Off-Grid Inverter but it brings you more benefits too. Net metering has been allowed in Pakistan and normally people are ignorant of its concept. Through the permission from the authorities, you can install solar setup at your places and can sell the excess energy back to the grid. The procedure is complex than installing a simple Off-Grid inverter. But the drawbacks are that simple On-Grid Inverter does not support battery backup and it is dependent on the power from the grid. If the grid shuts down the inverter will also shut down.
  • The best solution so far but the most expensive one too is the Hybrid Inverters. It is the combination of off-grid and on-grid solar inverter. It sells the excess energy and also is not dependent on the grid’s power. But due to the high cost of this solution, it is not commonly installed in Pakistan.


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