Red bull - The best energy drink in Pakistan to charge you up

in Grocery

Red bull - The best energy drink in Pakistan to charge you up


Mutaher Mehboob

time published 08 Feb 20

Get to know about the facts and benefits of the product and experience the energy!

What are the energy drinks?

Energy drinks are beverages used by various people to:

  • Boost up their energy,
  • Endorse sleeplessness,
  • Intensify attention,
  • Uphold vigilance and
  • Enhance their mood.

The usage of energy drinks is becoming extremely popular among young individuals. Thus, the energy drinks' market is growing extensively around the globe and especially in Pakistan.

Most famous energy drink – Red Bull

One of the most renowned energy drinks, namely Red Bull, is an energy drink used by world-renowned athletes. It is the energy drink with the largest market around the world. Red Bull includes 40% share of the US Energy drink market and 70% share of the world energy drink market. In 2018, 6.79 Billion Red Bull cans were sold.

Red Bull in Pakistan

Red Bull in Pakistan has emerged as one of the most consumed energy drinks and is consumed by many players and even students of Pakistan to cope up with:

  • Laziness

Red bull price in Pakistan is pretty reasonable, and the product is available in almost all the supermarkets of Pakistan.

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Red Bull can size, Ounces and looks

Red Bull energy can sizes, comes in different ml and ounce such as:

  • 250ml as 8.4 oz and
  • 473ml as 15.9 oz

Red bull can cover is very unique as it comes in a beautiful silver-blue color and is slim and elevated. Red Bull also launched various flavors in recent past as limited editions which had their own colored cans.

Red Bull Pakistan Ingredients

The producer of the brand claims that their product contains the high-quality ingredients. Some of which are listed below:

Redbull energy drink


Caffeine increases the concentration and alertness of the human brain. A 250mL Red Bull Tin contains 80mg Caffeine. Whereas, a filter coffee contains 113mg Caffeine per 250mL.

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Sucrose and Glucose

Red Bull contains 27g sugar per 250mL can which is equivalent to the amount of sugar in the same volume of apple juice.


It is an anti-depressant affecting natural chemical which enhances the concentration and memory of the consumer.


It is a mind-boosting chemical compound which is found in oranges and nuts with high fiber too.


A B group Vitamin that helps the body with the formation and usage of energy.

Vitamin B-5

It is a nutrient which helps in enhancing mood and increases the metabolism of the consumer.

Vitamin B6

It helps in forming red blood cells in the human body and using oxygen in order to improve energy levels.


It is an amino acid which is already present in the human body. Amount of Taurine in a human body is 70 times the taurine in a Red Bull 250mL can.

Alpine Water

It is a main ingredient of Red Bull energy drinks.

The Three Variants

Red Bull energy drink comes in three variants.

  • Red Bull Zero Calories
  • Red Bull Energy Drink
  • Red Bull Sugar-Free

The Editions of Red Bull

Along with the variants, Red Bull has launched various flavors this year. Those are;

  • Red Bull Peach Edition
  • Red Bull Winter Edition
  • Red Bull Red Edition
  • Red Bull Pear Edition - Sugar-Free
  • Red Bull Orange Edition
  • Red Bull Green Edition
  • Red Bull Coconut Edition
  • Red Bull Blue Edition
  • Red Bull Yellow Edition

Taurine in Red Bull

Taurine, being one of the key ingredients of energy drinks, is also used in Red Bull.

Redbull Pakistan

Does it help the human body or not?

Of course, it does! Taurine is very beneficial for the human body, as it helps the body in the following ways: 

  • It helps in the better functioning of muscle and in improving the performance of an athlete.
  • It’s also proven that taurine helps in coping up with anxiety and depression.
  • It also helps in maintaining sugar regulation in blood and cardiac fitness.

Taurine and its Myths

There are various myths in society related to taurine that it is extracted from bull’s semen for energy drinks which is totally wrong. Although bull semen contains taurine, but the taurine used in energy drinks, and especially that in Red Bull, is synthesized in laboratories in order to be used as a strong ingredient.

Calories in Red Bull

 Red Bull concerns the consumer’s health and thus looks after the number of calories in their cans too. Listed below are the three variants and number of calories in them;

Red Bull Zero Calories

Just like the name, the can comes with zero calories.

Red Bull Energy Drink

The standard can contain 117 calories/ can

Red Bull Sugar-Free

It doesn’t contain sucrose and glucose and has only 5 calories/ can.

Enjoy the drink 5 times a day!

Studies suggest that the intake of caffeine more than 400mg per day can be dangerous for healthy adults. A 250mL Red Bull can contains 80mg caffeine, so if someone asks how much red bull you can drink. The answer is even though we like and we can drink as much as we want to, but the safe amount of Red Bull consumption per day is FIVE 250mL cans.

Drinking Red Bull or Going in a Death Well?

Even though Red Bull is a safe drink if not consumed excessively, but their also have been death reports due to excessive consumption of the beverage. Here are a few cases listed which lead to severe diseases or death due to excessive intake of Red Bull.

  1. An Australian guy’s heart stopped beating after he in took 8 Red Bull within 5 hours.
  2. A 56-year-old man suffered from Brain Hemorrhage after he drank 25 Red Bull cans.
  3. A Canadian man suffered from seizures as he used to consume 2 Red Bulls daily from the past decade.

Best Friend in Exams

Red Bull Energy drinks are not only consumed by athletes, travellers etc. but nowadays Red Bull is also being consumed by a lot of students in order to cope up with the insomnia and focus their mind towards studies.

  • A survey conducted in Pakistan resulted that 52% of students consume Red bull during exams, because the drink actually helps them in being attentive during the stressful mid-term and final exams.

Red Bull Advantages and Disadvantages

Everything comes with its Pros and Cons, and so does this very famous and best energy drink – Red Bull, too!

Redbull Can

The Cons

It’s no harm if we discuss about the negatives first, so why not? Red Bull has following cons:

  • Heart is the most important organ of humans, but red bull can have some side effects on it as it increases the heart rate, which can lead to serious problems.
  • It increases blood pressure. Studies have shown that those healthy adults who had an intake of 355ml of red bull can have their blood pressure increased after 90 minutes, and that lasts for the next 24 hours.
  • Large amount of caffeine in the drink can lead to some serious issues like hypertension, heart attack and many other problems.
  • It can trigger type 2 diabetes as it contains an excessive amount of sugar in it.
  • It can cause damage to teeth as red bull is acidic and will possibly damage the tooth enamel, which is the outer layer of the teeth.

The Pros

This much health hazards? Easy Everyone.. There are always two sides to the story, and we should look at the bright side too! There are numerous Red Bull benefits as well, and that is why it is growing rapidly in the markets, worldwide. Below are the advantages of red bull energy drink:

  • It boosts up the energy levels of the body within a short span of time. Red Bull effect time is 15-45 minutes usually.
  • You can have an ultimate power nap by drinking Red Bull before bed.
  • Red bull contains a large amount of vitamins, Vitamin B12 being the most important one.
  • It is widely taken by athletes also because energy drinks give an instant boost to the body and makes them ready for a tight match.
  • It helps a person to perform better at work.
  • It makes a person more attentive and sharp.
  • It relaxes the muscles of the body from all the tension and fatigue. It's a good thing to drink, especially after a long tiring day.
  • It makes a person more sexually active and increases the libido levels as well as the stamina.
  • It may help in relieving joint pain and in relaxing muscle cramps.

Red Bull or Water?

Red Bull is a beverage, but it is not designed to cope up with re-hydration, so if there are any plans for the exercise, the water intake should be must with Red Bull during exercise.

Red Bull and PFA - Pakistan

Red Bull is excessively consumed in Punjab which is Pakistan’s most populated province. Thus the Punjab Food Authority in May 2018 requested all the energy drink manufacturers to remove the label ‘Energy’ from their drinks as it was causing a negative impact on the consumers who may take it in excessive amounts in order to boost up their energy levels.

Is Red Bull Halal or Haram?

As Red Bull market in Pakistan is extremely vast, it is always been a question if the drink is Halal or Haram for Muslims. According to Darul Ifta, the original Red Bull was declared Halal as all of its ingredients are halal, and thus it can be taken as a beverage.

So, is it a Yes or No?

"Check, and balance is the main key".

As Red Bull contains a handsome amount of sugar and caffeine like many other beverages, it is quite clear that it boosts up the energy levels, so drinking it in moderate amounts and not that frequently will cause no damage to the health what so ever.


If it's taken in large amounts and regularly it is likely to cause harm to the body because excessive amount of sugar and caffeine can never be good and friendly. So, the women who are expecting should avoid this drink, kids, people with heart diseases and people with caffeine sensitivity should also avoid it for better health concerns.

Final Verdict? Eat and Drink everything, but keep a proper check on the consumption as well as diet.

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